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e1 Marine joins the call for the IMO and EU to promote investment in clean technology after COP26

Zero carbon fuels are going to transform our industry, but they are not the only part of the equation and they’re not yet viable at scale. Every tonne of CO2 that we avoid releasing into the atmosphere is one less tonne that we have to remove in the decades to come. This is why investment in clean tech and energy efficiency are needed from shipowners, charterers, and maritime regulators immediately, and why we’ve signed this collaborative call to action.

Together, we are calling for shipping’s stakeholders and regulatory authorities to expand their sustainability focus and attention. Long term innovation, research and the development of alternative fuels are key to decarbonise the maritime sector, but they are not the whole solution. Shipping needs to integrate the available ship efficiency and renewable propulsion technologies into their roadmap immediately.

With the right support from investors and regulation, energy efficiency and renewable propulsion technology can inspire more ambitious targets and innovation. This will ensure that shipping can continue as the lynchpin of a low-carbon global economy.

Robert Schluter, Managing Director, e1 Marine said: “It has been a few years since I served at sea, but unfortunately many of the working practices that existed when I started my career remain broadly similar now. Fortunately, there are commercially proven technologies available that can reduce emissions and improve OPEX today. We will only be able to go further when we have zero carbon fuels. However, widespread adoption may be many years from now – time that our planet doesn’t have.”

Maite Klarup, Commercial Director, e1 Marine also commented: “This collaboration is a testament to the variety of solutions available today that can make your maritime operations more sustainable, more efficient, and more reliable. Fuel cells, for example, can already be more than twice as efficient as internal combustion engines. But if we’re to achieve the emissions reductions this climate crisis needs, then investment is required now.”

You can read the full open letter here



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